Tag: city council

Residents share concerns about neighbor at council meeting

Residents share concerns about neighbor at council meeting

| November 27, 2018

COSHOCTON – James Green and neighbors brought concerns about problems they are having with a resident in their neighborhood to the Nov. 26 Coshocton City Council meeting. The resident has items all over his porch and yard and doesn’t mow often. His house doesn’t have running water and he has been known to dump urine […]

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Perfect state audit announced at city council meeting

Perfect state audit announced at city council meeting

| November 14, 2018

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton City Council met on Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the council chambers. Mayor Steve Mercer announced that the city had received a notice from the state about the annual audit. No findings were noted in the audit, meaning the city received an excellent report. “I want to compliment Sherry Kirkpatrick and her […]

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City Council hears from community members about injection wells

City Council hears from community members about injection wells

| October 23, 2018

COSHOCTON – Coshocton City Council’s stance on the proposed conversion of Class II injection wells at the Buckeye Brine location to Class I injection wells was questioned during the public input portion of their Oct. 22 meeting. “I think most of the public has been wondering where you stand,” said Karen O’Dell. “This has been […]

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Vacant properties ordinance to be enforced starting Nov. 1

Vacant properties ordinance to be enforced starting Nov. 1

| September 14, 2018

COSHOCTON – On Nov. 1 the city will begin enforcement of Chapter 1355 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Coshocton that Coshocton City Council passed on June 6 to help deal with vacant residential and commercial properties. The purpose of this legislation is to establish a program for identifying and registering vacant residential […]

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Homeless problem addressed at city council meeting

Homeless problem addressed at city council meeting

| September 11, 2018

COSHOCTON – Coshocton City Council returned from its summer break on Sept. 10, to hear from a citizen who is highly concerned about the homeless problem in our community. Karen Casey knows of at least one family who is so low income that they camp during the summer by the river to save money for […]

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SR 16/SR 541 traffic pattern to change

| July 11, 2018

COSHOCTON – On Monday, July 16, the ramp from SR 541 to SR 16 eastbound will close for 45 days for reconstruction of the ramp. Detour: North on Second Street to Bridge Street, turn left on Bridge Street and continue to County Road 1A, and turn right from County Road 1A to US 36.

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Tumblins bring concerns to city council meeting

Tumblins bring concerns to city council meeting

| July 10, 2018

COSHOCTON – Beth Tumblin and her husband approached Coshocton City Council at their July 9 meeting in hopes of resolving an issue they have been dealing with since mid-May. The Swayne Street residents are concerned about an overgrown lot in their neighborhood. Their first step in addressing the issue was to speak with the Coshocton […]

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Council approves amendments to noise ordinance

Council approves amendments to noise ordinance

| March 27, 2018

COSHOCTON – Members of the community were again present at the Coshocton City Council meeting to address their concerns with amendments to a city noise ordinance. First to speak at the March 26 meetings was Andre Servais who read a letter on behalf of Uncorked. The owners of the establishment were asking that the ordinance […]

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