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Tag: city council

Coshocton City Council calls special meeting

Coshocton City Council calls special meeting

| February 23, 2016 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Water rates were again a hot topic at the Coshocton City Council meeting. Resident Dan Ford had more questions for city council members since their last meeting and brought them up during the Feb. 22 meeting. He wanted to know if the water department had cut back on chemicals and why his water […]

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Citizens pack council chambers for meeting

Citizens pack council chambers for meeting

| February 9, 2016 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – City Council heard from several of the concerned citizens who packed council chambers at their Feb. 8 meeting before giving a first reading to an ordinance intended to raise water rates. Many of them wanted to know what was being done with money left over in the general fund, some questioned the raises […]

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City government officials encouraged to continue working together

City government officials encouraged to continue working together

| January 26, 2016 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Mayor Steve Mercer delivered his state of the city address at the Jan. 25 city council meeting and encouraged everyone in the community to pull together this year. “We need constructive dialogue to add new perspective to old problems,” he said. “Let’s give each other plenty of room to contribute our value to […]

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City council hears from concerned citizen

City council hears from concerned citizen

| January 12, 2016 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – A citizens from the first ward expressed concern about junk vehicles in his area at the Jan. 11 Coshocton City Council meeting. He feels this is a problem in his area and wants to know if the city’s proposed new property code inspector position would be responsible for resolving the issue. Mayor Steve […]

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City council wraps up several ordinances for the year

| December 22, 2015 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Coshocton City Council wrapped up the contract with the Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office at its Dec. 21 meeting, but ordinances involving the description of a new job and wages for several other positions were not as easily finalized. One of the legislative items set to receive a third reading at the meeting was […]

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City Council encouraged by Our Town Coshocton presentation

| December 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – City council members, Mayor Steve Mercer and Service Director Jerry Stenner were all impresses with the presentation Our Town Coshocton gave at the Dec. 14 Coshocton City Council meeting. “I always believed this group would be the vehicle (for revitalizing downtown and our business district),” Mercer said after the presentation. “You are a […]

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City Council closer to finalizing law enforcement contract

| November 24, 2015 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Coshocton City Council is one step closer to finalizing its contract with the sheriff’s office. During the Nov. 23 meeting city council heard the first reading of ordinance 52-15, which authorizes the mayor or service director to enter into a contract with the Coshocton County Sheriff for law enforcement protection for the City […]

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Sheriff shares updates with city council

| November 10, 2015 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Coshocton County Sheriff Tim Rogers told city council at its Nov. 9 meeting that his office is very appreciative of the new SUV that the city purchased for them. “This is a direct result of the levy that the citizens passed,” he said. “The car it replaced was on its last leg and […]

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