Tag: city council

City receives positive audit

| September 29, 2015 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Mayor Steve Mercer was happy to share at the Sept. 28 Coshocton City Council meeting that the city received a good report from Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost. “We had an excellent audit,” Mercer said. “There are always a couple little things that they point out, but there were no major issues […]

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Council discusses safety levy questions

| April 14, 2015 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Jim McClure, a member of the Citizens for a Safe Coshocton committee, had a very important question for Coshocton City Council at its April 13 meeting. He wanted to know how council would like him to answer the popular question, “What does it mean for the City of Coshocton if the safety levy […]

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City Council recognizes volunteers and makes progress with cruiser purchase

| July 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – The July 14 Coshocton City Council meeting started off with a big thank you to the Coshocton is Blooming volunteers who spruced up the town for a recent visit from the America in Bloom judges. “I think we have at least four representatives from Coshocton is Blooming here tonight and I hope everyone […]

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