Tag: clary gardens

Rock hunt winners named

Rock hunt winners named

| October 27, 2020

The Coshocton Fatherhood Initiative sponsored in conjunction with Papa John’s Pizza and Clary Gardens a free family friendly rock hunt. The event was held at Clary Gardens Oct. 24-25. Thirty rocks were placed on the grounds for fathers and their children to be hunted for. Rocks found could be redeemed for prizes on each day […]

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Scarecrow Town seeking entries county-wide

Scarecrow Town seeking entries county-wide

| September 1, 2020

Each October since 2015, the Clary Garden Foundation has hosted the Scarecrow Trail fundraiser. Last year, it expanded to a city-wide Scarecrow Town, and now, due to popular demand, it is expanding again. This year, anyone in Coshocton County can participate – even if you live in Warsaw, West Lafayette, Conesville, or Fresno. As long […]

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Have An eggcellent time at Clary Gardens this Easter

Have An eggcellent time at Clary Gardens this Easter

| March 2, 2020

Why should kids have all the fun? Everyone 21 and over is invited to Clary Gardens for an adult Easter Egg Hunt. Tickets include one drink ticket and prizes in every egg. Some eggs will include prize tickets, which can be used to enter to win even larger prizes. Additional beverages will be available for […]

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Clary Gardens adds second bird seed ornament workshop

Clary Gardens adds second bird seed ornament workshop

| February 4, 2020

Due to popular demand, Clary Gardens is adding a second bird seed ornament workshop. Join other bird lovers in the tan house for a bird seed ornament workshop on Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 5 p.m. Winter is a hard time for birds. The cold, harsh winter kills so many of the plants that they rely […]

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Readers needed for new story time program at Clary Gardens

Readers needed for new story time program at Clary Gardens

| January 31, 2020

Clary Gardens is planning a new program to introduce preschoolers and their families to the children’s garden. Drop-in story times will be held from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on Fridays, April 3 through May 29, in the children’s garden (weather permitting). In case of bad weather, the program will be moved under the tent or […]

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Join Clary Gardens for a bird seed ornament workshop

Join Clary Gardens for a bird seed ornament workshop

| January 23, 2020

COSHOCTON – Do you love birds? Then we have the workshop for you. Join us in the tan house for a bird seed ornament workshop on Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. Winter is a hard time for birds. The cold, harsh winter kills so many of the plants that they rely on for food. We […]

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Help Clary Gardens make signs for bees

Help Clary Gardens make signs for bees

| January 9, 2020

COSHOCTON – Join Clary Gardens staff in the tan house for a brainstorming and crafting session. Clary Gardens needs new, fun and educational signage, and staff would love to get the community involved. A drop-in event is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 27 from noon to 3 p.m., so you can come and go as you […]

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Candy bars most hoped for treat at Clary Gardens

Candy bars most hoped for treat at Clary Gardens

| October 30, 2019

COSHOCTON – Hundreds lined up to enjoy the Fourth annual Trail and Treat event held at Clary Gardens on Tuesday, Oct. 29. The event started at 4:30 p.m., but excited children were lining up early and hoping for their favorite treats. Gage, Graysen and Grady Lowe were among the first in line. Gage was hoping […]

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