Tag: coshocton is blooming

Coshocton is Blooming spruces up Main Street

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Cold weather hasn’t stopped Coshocton is Blooming from being active. Volunteers worked together to assemble baskets of greens to hang downtown and at the intersection of Chestnut and Second street. They also gathered bundles of greens and organized area businesses to help decorate the planters along Main Street. “Last year we just did […]

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Coshocton receives three blooms out of five in contest

| October 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – It was mid-July when judges for the America in Bloom competition came to Coshocton to evaluate our progress. Coshocton finally learned the results from the efforts of so many volunteers in the community. Through the rating system, we did received three blooms out of five, but that was not enough to put Coshocton […]

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America in Bloom report arrives

| September 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – Coshocton is Blooming recently received its 2012 evaluation form from America in Bloom. Judges Jack Clasen and Billy Butterfield visited Coshocton in July and gave it a three bloom rating after evaluating the city on floral displays, landscaped area, urban forestry, environmental efforts, heritage preservation and overall impression. Coshocton received a total of […]

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Fall baskets hung

Fall baskets hung

| September 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Coshocton is Blooming swapped out its summer hanging baskets for new fall mum’s Sept. 7. The new plants are full of buds and will bloom soon. For more on Coshocton is Blooming visit, http://coshoctonisblooming.org.

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July 04, 2012 Coshocton County Beacon

| July 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Open publication

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