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Tag: museum

Exhibit commemorates 100th anniversary of WWI

Exhibit commemorates 100th anniversary of WWI

| October 5, 2017

COSHOCTON – “WWI Posters—Rallying the Home Front” will premiere at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum on Oct. 7 and run through Dec. 31. This special exhibit of American propaganda posters commemorates the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entry into WWI. The U.S. government decided to use a popular artistic medium, the poster, to incite fear in […]

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Museum announces new preschool program

| August 21, 2017

COSHOCTON – The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum invites preschoolers (2-5 years) to get better acquainted with four popular animals on Thursdays in September from 10 to 10:40 a.m. For thousands of years people from most cultures have decorated their everyday objects with the images of animals, whether domestic or wild. Each week children will visit a different […]

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Brewing Beer Along the Tuscarawas visual presentation set

Brewing Beer Along the Tuscarawas visual presentation set

| August 15, 2017

COSHOCTON – Brewing Beer Along the Tuscarawas, a presentation by Robert A. Musson, M.D., will take place Thursday, Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum. Before highways were built to convey goods from one town to another, people depended on rivers and canals. When considering where to build a factory, the smart choice […]

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Our Town Stories to focus on dance bands and venues

| August 7, 2017

COSHOCTON – Dance bands and venues is the topic for the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s Our Town Stories discussion on Thursday, Aug 10. Which famous musicians and bands do you remember coming to town? Where were local dance band venues located? Which ones had ballrooms? Did you ever attend a dance band performance? Dance bands and their […]

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Our Town Stories to discuss funeral parlors and in-home wakes

| July 10, 2017

COSHOCTON – Funeral Parlors and In-Home Wakes is the topic for the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s Our Town Stories discussion on July 13. Where were local funeral parlors located and who owned them? Which ones had space for services? Did you ever attend an in-home wake/viewing? How long were bodies usually kept home before burial? Funerals as […]

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Museum to host exhibit dedicated to breweries

Museum to host exhibit dedicated to breweries

| June 22, 2017

COSHOCTON – “Breweriana—Preserving the History of the American Brewing Industry” will premiere at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum on June 24 and run through Sept. 24. The exhibit portrays America’s brewing past through industry packaging and advertising over the past 130 years. The term “Breweriana” refers to any article containing a brewery name or brand name, particularly […]

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Pushing the Surface returns to museum

Pushing the Surface returns to museum

| June 2, 2017

COSHOCTON – The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s new special exhibit, Pushing the Surface, will be on display through Sunday, June 18. The exhibition features 26 contemporary art quilts created by artists from seven states and one international country, Israel. The artists were asked to display two art quilts – an early piece along with a new one. The pleasure […]

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Pushing the Surface returns to museum

Pushing the Surface returns to museum

| May 30, 2017

COSHOCTON – The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s new special exhibit, Pushing the Surface, will be on display through Sunday, June 18. The exhibition features 26 contemporary art quilts created by artists from seven states and one international country, Israel. The artists were asked to display two art quilts – an early piece along with a new one. The pleasure […]

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