Tag: Stewart Field

Stewart Field to be dedicated at meet the team

| August 12, 2016

COSHOCTON – Coshocton High School invites the community to Stewart Field at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17 for the 2016 fall meet the team. In addition to introducing fall athletes and the marching band, there will be a brief field dedication ceremony in order to thank all of the local individuals, businesses and foundations that […]

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Artificial turf rolled out at Stewart Field

Artificial turf rolled out at Stewart Field

| July 27, 2016 | 0 Comments

COSHOCTON – The first section of artificial turf at Stewart Field was rolled out Wednesday morning July 27 and a project three and a half years in the making is now one step closer to being completed. ProGrass from Pittsburgh, Pa. is expected to work till Sunday on installing the turf that will give CHS […]

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