Tag: west lafayette

Bordenkircher shares highlights of past year in state of the village

Bordenkircher shares highlights of past year in state of the village

| January 26, 2021

2019 was a year of difficult challenges and accomplishments in our village, and 2020 challenged us in different ways as never before in modern times. Early in the year our community, our state, our country, and the entire world were faced with the COVID-19 pandemic which continues today. This has been a time of masks. […]

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West Lafayette Police Department to purchase K-9

West Lafayette Police Department to purchase K-9

| December 4, 2020

Chief Matthew Fohl of the West Lafayette Police Department said he has been thinking about a K-9 for his department for a few months, but he set things in motion about a month or so ago. “It takes so much time and planning to get a K-9,” he said. First, a training facility needs to […]

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Coshocton and West Lafayette water project underway

Coshocton and West Lafayette water project underway

| July 30, 2020

Last year, when chemicals were found underground that were threatening the water supply of the village of West Lafayette, West Lafayette Mayor Stephen Bordenkircher and Steve Mercer, mayor of Coshocton at the time, started working together with Safety Service Director Max Crown to figure out a way to get water from Coshocton to West Lafayette. […]

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West Lafayette United Methodist Church to continue services at Burt Park

West Lafayette United Methodist Church to continue services at Burt Park

| July 16, 2020

The Administrative Council of West Lafayette United Methodist Church meet July 15 to discuss the immediate future of worship inside the church. The vote was to continue outside worship at Burt Park at 10:30 a.m. Bring you folding chairs. If there is inclement weather (rain) that day the worship service will be moved inside the […]

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2020 West Lafayette Homecoming canceled

2020 West Lafayette Homecoming canceled

| May 5, 2020

The West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce made the tough decision during its May 4 meeting to cancel the 2020 West Lafayette Homecoming. The 73rd annual event would have been held in July. “We decided to do this because of the coronavirus and not being able to have large groups together,” said Patty Griffith, secretary of […]

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West Lafayette First Baptist Church hosts carnival

West Lafayette First Baptist Church hosts carnival

| March 9, 2020

More than 100 young people ages 2 to sixth grade along with their families signed up for the third annual West Lafayette First Baptist Church Indoor Carnival on March 7, which was an afternoon of games, fun and prizes to help lose the winter blues. Games included a bounce house, bowling, cornhole, football, basketball, darts, a fishing booth, a […]

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Ohio EPA announces funding for Coshocton County infrastructure project

Ohio EPA announces funding for Coshocton County infrastructure project

| February 21, 2020

The Ohio EPA had exciting news to share with Coshocton County officials during a press conference held Feb. 21 at city hall. Ohio EPA Director Laurie A. Stevenson and her team came to town to announce that Coshocton will receive $500,000 in H2Ohio Funding for its project to construct a new drinking waterline to connect […]

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Clothing boutique opens in West Lafayette

Clothing boutique opens in West Lafayette

| December 16, 2019

WEST LAFAYETTE – A year ago Kayla Miller never dreamed she’d have a store front for her clothing business. “I’ve been selling online now for a little over a year,” she said. “I have built up a customer base and realized I had a lot of local customers.” Miller’s customers used to have to come […]

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