Tag: west lafayette

Officer, businesses recognized at WL Chamber dinner

Officer, businesses recognized at WL Chamber dinner

| September 25, 2019

WEST LAFAYETTE – One of the largest numbers of people ever attended the West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce annual dinner held at Schumaker Farms on Tuesday evening, Sept. 24. Everyone enjoyed a meal of Swiss steak, red potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, beverage and desserts. Local officials, members of the chamber, West Lafayette Homecoming Court, […]

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Time to register for yellow flag sales

| August 28, 2019

WEST LAFAYETTE – The West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the Yellow Flag Garage and Yard Sales Sept. 6-7 in West Lafayette and surrounding area. Sign up for sales at CC’s Village Market, East Coast Risk Management, Ridgewood General Store, and Statements by Shannon. Registration is $5. Deadline to register is Tuesday, Sept. 3 […]

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Structural damage assessment activities conclude in West Lafayette

Structural damage assessment activities conclude in West Lafayette

| June 25, 2019

WEST LAFAYETTE – After the West Lafayette area was hit by flash flooding, the community has come together and shown its resiliency. The village, townships, and EMA as well many other agencies and departments have been working tirelessly to bring any available assistance to all victims of this devastating event. The structural damage assessment activities […]

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West Lafayette Homecoming court honors 1950 queen

West Lafayette Homecoming court honors 1950 queen

| April 26, 2019

WEST LAFAYETTE – Jadn Lindig and her West Lafayette Homecoming Court recently discovered they weren’t the only royalty spending time at Lafayette Pointe Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. Lindig and her court had been visiting residents there for a few months when they discovered the 1950 queen, Janet Smith Howell, lived at Lafayette Pointe. “When we […]

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Tentative water agreement reached between Coshocton and West Lafayette

Tentative water agreement reached between Coshocton and West Lafayette

| February 25, 2019

COSHOCTON – Coshocton Mayor Steve Mercer and West Lafayette Mayor Steve Bordenkircher announced that a tentative agreement has been reached for the village to purchase water from Coshocton. After the November vote by village residents and only several months of negotiating, both sides agreed on the terms and presented to their respective councils on Monday […]

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Bradford honored at WL Chamber dinner

Bradford honored at WL Chamber dinner

| September 26, 2018

WEST LAFAYETTE – West Lafayette Mayor Steve Bordenkircher welcomed everyone to the annual West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce dinner held Tuesday evening, Sept. 25 at the Kirk Street Event Center. The capacity crowd enjoyed a catered meal by Schumaker Farms of Swiss Steak, ham loaf balls, corn, potatoes, salad, dessert and beverages. Local officials, members […]

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West Lafayette Police investigating breaking and entering

West Lafayette Police investigating breaking and entering

| July 11, 2018

WEST LAFAYETTE – West Lafayette Police are investigating a commercial breaking and entering that occurred early this morning in the 500 block of West Main Street. Officer arrived on scene and found a window that had been broken and believed that entry was gained through the window. No suspects have been identified, but the incident […]

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Medication disposal container added at West Lafayette Police Station

Medication disposal container added at West Lafayette Police Station

| March 2, 2018

WEST LAFAYETTE – West Lafayette residents now have a safe and environmentally friendly way to dispose of unwanted or expired medications. The safe medication disposal container was installed in the lobby of the West Lafayette Police Station. “This gets old medications out of people’s homes and prevents them from possibly getting into the hands of […]

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