Teens invited to CBHC’s Arts on Main Summer Program

| June 28, 2021
Teens are invited to the Arts on Main Summer Program planned for the first three Tuesdays in July from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the artPARK on Main Street.
“I just wanted to do something for teens over the summer,” said Renee Fleming from the Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices Flight School, which is hosting the event. “With COVID it’s been hard for them to get out and socialize and be out around their peers. One of the reasons we are having it at the artPARK is because we know for some people it is still nerve-racking and causes anxiety to be close to people. This way they can be outdoors and feel safe being around others. This is also a good opportunity for us to do some education while having fun at the same time.”
Each week will have a different theme to be enjoyed by teens age 13-18. On July 6 they will create a character with artist Nate Lovett. He will teach watercolor painting and share some of his work with the teens.
“Nate is my husband, and I asked him to be a part of this for my hometown community,” Amber McCarty Lovett said. “Even though we don’t live in Coshocton, I have spent the last five years working at CHS building relationships with teens. I hope his art inspires kids to try different materials and see what feels natural and fun for them. A lot of teens I’ve worked with say they just aren’t sure what they want to do after school. I hope to show them how Nate uses his natural ability to work every day from home as a freelance illustrator.”
July 13 will be a time for teens to take a journey into relaxation with Chris Campbell.
“I will introduce a mini series of simple techniques that can be used by these teens to understand and embody and show up as their whole and most brilliant selves no matter what external pressures they face, through deep relaxation/mindfulness and some gentle movement,” she said. “Simply put, mindfulness is an awareness of the present moment, paying attention on purpose, without judgement, of our breath, body, emotions and thoughts. I will introduce this group to the concept of using wellness practices to create individual and collective well-being as a vehicle for social change. I will introduce this group to the concept of reclaiming their own power by taking back their own agency and taking action each and every day to not only change themselves but their community and the very world in which they live.”
Campbell is excited to be part of this program and help where she can.
“I am a firm believer it is never too late to have a happy childhood,” she said. “I am an administrative assistant at Coshocton Elementary School. A lot of what our students are going through, I’ve been there. I was raised in a violent, alcoholic home. I started self-medicating with illegal drugs when I was 11 years old and became a full-blown alcoholic/drug addict at age 14. Through grace and wonderful people that carried a message of hope and recovery to me, I am currently 26 years clean and sober. A lot of what our students are going through, I’ve been there. The women trying to raise these students, I’ve been there. I’ve been both the child and the mother being driven by these maladies, and I was given a way out.”
Campbell’s hope is she can be the help someone else needs.
“I believe empowering these teens to show up as their authentic selves is the best way to develop a generation committed to and capable of overcoming the injustices and challenges of our time,” she said. “And this well-being does not look the same for everyone. As much as my worldview believes holding hands globally and singing ‘Kumbaya’ is possible, that’s not what this is about for me. This is about having an opportunity to do my part to achieve a collective, systemic change — one small group at a time. I am not willing to sit idly by in a society where some children/teens are set up for success while others are left behind to repeat unhealthy learned patterns and fail. I envision all people inspired, educated and supported to be their whole and brilliant selves in their lives, relationships and communities.”
On July 20 teens can explore the world of music with Bobby Dotson.
“Bobby and I have talked about how music can reach people in so many different ways,” Fleming said. “It can make you happy, sad or even change the way you look at a situation during trying times.”
Dotson plans to explain the basics of guitar playing and share where music has taken him in his life.
“I want to explain to them the positives of learning music and explain all the possibilities of it,” he said. “You can do whatever you want with it, and you will get out of it what you put into it.”
There is no cost to join, and no supplies are needed. Call Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices Flight School at 740-622-0033 ext. 114 to RSVP or for more information. Light refreshments will be provided.
“I hope what the teens take away from this — and the community as a whole — is to know that everyone including adults deals with anxiety and fear, maybe even more so now than before COVID,” Fleming said. “This is a way for them to come back together and learn something fun. I encourage teens to bring their friends, get out of their comfort zone and try something new. We are asking people to RSVP so we can have supplies and snacks prepared, but we won’t turn anyone away.”
She also wants to give people the chance to see what a cool vibe the artPARK has.
“I think Coshocton is really trying to come together to advance as a community, and we have some great resources in the people and places in Coshocton,” Fleming said. “I want kids to experience the good parts of our town and have pride in not only themselves, but our community as a whole.”

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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