There is still time to sign up for swim lessons

| July 2, 2024

There is still time to sign up for swimming lessons at Lake Park Aquatic Center. They offer swim lessons for people of all ages and all abilities. Instructor Angie Moses said, they have 150 kids signed up so far but there is room for more.

Learn to swim lessons are in 50-minute sessions, ages 6 to adult, five days a week, Monday thru Friday for two weeks July 8-19 and July 22 – Aug. 2. Morning sessions are from 8-10 a.m. with evening sessions from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The second session is being held to replace now closed Warsaw pool and must be done earlier due to pass holders at the Lake Park pool.

The cost for lessons is $70 per child. Jen Jones will be teaching swim classes for students with autism and other disabilities with shorter session times from July 22-26.

Moses has 25 years experience and also offers lifeguard lessons. She is in need of some volunteers to help with strokes and to help in the water. For more information contact her at 740-502-4332.

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