This-N-That 4-H Club members give back

Kiley Hahn

Taylor Hahn

Paige Stone
COSHOCTON – Three members of the This-N-That 4-H Club decided to use their 4-H projects this year to help others.
Sisters Kiley and Taylor Hahn each sold a wether market goat at the junior fair auction with the intent of using part of their proceeds to help Cure JM.
The organization’s goal is to help those with Juvenile Myositis a disease that includes symptoms of weak muscles and skin rashes.
“A girl in our club has it,” said Myndee Hahn, Kiley and Taylor’s mother. “We didn’t tell her or her mom we were doing this. They were shocked when they heard it.”
Kiley, who is 13, said it felt good to see the impact they could make.
“They were in tears when they heard what we did,” she said. “I like helping out people.”
The girls each donated $75 to Cure JM and Dr. Dean from Dean Orthodontics gave them a donation so they were able to give a total of $225.
“I just wanted to help out,” said Taylor, who is 11.
When the girls sent out their auction letters to potential buyers they made sure to mention their plans to donate to Cure JM. Both were very thankful that Dr. Butcher from Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic and Home Loan helped them by purchasing their goats.
Kiley and Taylor would both like to help someone again next year.
Their fellow club member Paige Stone also got in on the giving. She wanted to donate her auction earnings from her market chicken to someone in the community who is struggling.
“I chose Ava Winner, a young girl in my school district,” said Stone, who is 13. “Ava, who is currently 10-years-old, was diagnosed at age 9 with a cancerous brain tumor along the brain stem. She has gone through multiple surgeries and is learning how to do things over again that we all take for granted.”
Ava’s parents have had to take off work to be by her side and Stone thought this might help ease their stress.
“I thought if I could help raise money for her parents to be off work one more day, have money to travel back and forth, or anything else they could need at this time in their life to decrease stress then that is why God wants me to do this,” Stone said. “My family has taught me to always give and to be mindful of others because one day I may need help also.”
Category: Clubs & Organizations