Tidrick encourages people to ask veterans to share their stories

Veterans Service Officer Jim Barstow presented Herb Tidrick with a plaque honoring him for his dedication to helping veterans in our community. Tidrick retired from the veterans’ service office on Nov. 11 and was the main speaker at the Veterans Day ceremony on the court square. Both Barstow and Tidrick are veterans of the U.S. Navy. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Herb Tidrick was honored to speak at the Veterans Day ceremony on the court square, but he was quick to remind those in attendance that he wasn’t there to celebrate his retirement. He was there to honor all veterans.
“Each and every veteran is special and each one has a story of their own,” he said.
Tidrick, a U.S. Navy veteran, worked with the Coshocton County Veterans Service Office for 14 years and officially retired on Nov. 11, 2016.
“I don’t know how many times I heard people say, ‘Dad never spoke about his time in the service,’” Tidrick said. “Sit down with them (the veterans in your life) and ask them questions. They are each an important part of our history. If they have pictures encourage them to show them to you. You’d be surprised by the information you get from them.”
When he was in the Navy, Tidrick was able to see many parts of the world and do things like see the Coliseum in Rome, tour 600 year old castles and climb Mt. Fuji, but still says his 14 years in the veterans service office were some of his best.
“I changed lives for the better, I formed close relationships and I worked with people in dark times and good times,” Tidrick said. “I’ve lost some, but I’ll cherish many. Now it’s time for my family. We are here though to celebrate all veterans. It’s a day for them. Thank you.”
Later in the service he received a plaque for his years of service and dedication to helping veterans in the community.
“When I started working at the veterans service office seven years ago……..Herb told me you have to have a passion for this job,” said Jim Barstow, veterans service officer. “No one is more passionate about helping veterans than Herb.”
Another speaker at the ceremony was Becky Bowden from the Blue Star Mothers Chapter OH #59 who shared how her group supports those who have children in the military and tries to spread patriotism in the community.
“On behalf of the Blue Star Mothers I thank all of the veterans for their service to the United States of America and also Herb for his time with the veterans service office,” she said. “Without all of you we would not have the freedoms we now enjoy.”
The Blue Star Mothers meet at 6:30 p.m. the second Monday of each month at The Church of The Nazarene Adult Ministry Center.
The Coshocton County Honor Guard and the Walhonding Rube Band also participated in the ceremony and Pastor Dan Eggan gave the closing and opening prayers.
“We gather here today to honor all the men and women who when called to serve did so willingly,” he said. “Bless all those who are still serving, still suffer the physical and emotional scars of serving our country and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. It is because of them that we are able to gather here freely on this public lawn.”
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