“Twist and Shout” is 2018 Coshocton in Bloom theme

Coshocton in Bloom board members presented Mayor Steve Mercer and City Services Director Max Crown the 2017 award the city received from the American in Bloom judges. The plaque was presented at the CIB symposium held at the Johnson Humrickhouse Museum on Saturday, March 17 as the group met to discuss plans for the 2018 contest.
COSHOCTON – Members of the Coshocton in Bloom board, city officials and residents met at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum on Saturday, March 17 for a symposium on this year’s theme and plans.
“Last year was a really big deal for us,” said Dorothy Skowrunski, CIB board member. “We won the national award for outstanding floral displays. This was against all cities, not just the small ones we usually compete against.” She also said that Coshocton was less than one percent from earning a five bloom status, which is the highest the American in Bloom judges award. “We are really going to try to get that five bloom award this year.”
Each year, the committee receives a report from the America in Bloom judges that shows how well Coshocton performed in several categories. The city is judged for floral displays, urban forestry, landscape, environmental, heritage preservation and overall. This year, community vitality will be added. Judges look at businesses, municipal and residents for each category, so Coshocton is actually judged in 21 categories. “We also give the judges a total of volunteer hours to consider,” said Skowrunski. “We really want to know all of the volunteer hours from civic groups, classes and other organizations who help make Coshocton beautiful each year. This year, we got a list of what the judges will be looking at when they visit this summer, so we can really look at improving those areas.”
During the morning, Tom Heading announced that the Coshocton Rotary had donated $5,000 for the CIB’s plans to beautify 7th Street with trees. Debbie Gaumer, also a board member, said that there are 392 planters and pots in the city, with plans to add more this year.
“One myth that we need to dispel is that the city pays for any of the plants or the person watering the pots,” said Jandi Adams, another board member. “Businesses and groups in the area sponsor the planters and that money, along with other donations, pays for the plants, flowers and to hire a person or two to water the plants.” She added that the city does sponsor plants, but does not pay for the person to water or for the planters. Everything the Coshocton in Bloom board does is by donation and the sponsoring of the planters.
Coshocton in Bloom also awards residents with a “Door Hanger Award” for anyone who has improved their landscaping or who has a beautiful garden or floral arrangement. Residents can nominate anyone that they think has made an improvement by calling the city hall or Clary Gardens with the name of the person they feel deserves the award. Winners of the Door Hanger Award will receive a specially-designed door hanger for their residence and will get a certificate at a ceremony during the Coshocton County Fair.
“I think by beautifying our area, we are planting pride in our community,” said Skowrunski. “We want any potential businesses that are viewing our city to see a beautiful place, one with pride.” The CIB board feels this can help entice new businesses to come to Coshocton.
The Coshocton in Bloom board has a Facebook page and encourages residents to view the page for local pictures and advice to help make their yards beautiful.
Category: Clubs & Organizations