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Union High School celebrates 72nd reunion banquet

| May 8, 2017

COSHOCTON – Students who graduated from Union High School gathered on Saturday, May 6 at the Coshocton County Career Center for a catered dinner by Schumaker Farms and to reminisce about their alma mater.

Hazel Crouthers went to New Guilford School, a two-room school house, until it closed. She began going to Union in 6th grade and graduated in 1946.

“I lived on a farm, so I never got there very often, and we didn’t go to the games because we had no transportation,” she said. “But I liked Home Economics the best. I remember putting potatoes in cold water and the teacher said, you’ve got to put those in hot water. We never had hot water at home unless you boiled it first. We didn’t have hot water come right out of the spigot at home. Union was a good school and I have a lot of good memories there.”

Other than attending to their studies, students at Union High School also went to dances, games, and maybe even met their true love in the hallways between classes.

Bob and Patti Hindel met at a dance at Union High School and have been married for 56 years. He was a 1955 graduate from Dresden and she graduated Union in 1960.

“I was on one side of the gym and she was on the other, and there were people dancing in between us,” said Bob. “I asked her to dance and she said she didn’t know how. I told her I didn’t know either. We danced together for a long time.”

The school forever closed its doors in 1965, but not before Don and Bev Cummings, 1964 grad and 1963 grad respectively, met and fell in love.

“We were high school sweethearts,” said Bev, “and we’ve been married now for 53 years.”

Other than their budding romance, Don and Bev also remember their teachers who made an impact on their lives forever.

“I remember my teachers, especially Ray Griffith,” said Don. “He was the AG teacher and he had a way to control us boys. It was a good way of course, but we didn’t question or test him either. We learned at Union what was expected of the younger generation.”

Bev will always remember another teacher at Union.

“I remember one teacher, his name was CM Funk,” she said. “He was very strict. He’s scare the bejebus out of you. But you learned from him.”

The banquet ended with the singing of the school song.

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Category: Education

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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