Unique capture the flag game happening in Coshocton

In just the first six days, a special American flag has been “captured” about 300 times and the game shows no signs of slowing down. What started as a joke between friends has become a wide-spread game to capture the flag without being caught. (Submitted)
In just the first six days, a special American flag has been “captured” about 300 times and the game shows no signs of slowing down. What started as a joke between friends has become a wide-spread game to capture the flag without being caught.
Eric Fitch said two of his friends, Donald Smith and Timothy Boatman, were joking about taking the American flag that he flies on the back of his vehicle. “Donald, who owns Hometown Repair, took my flag one day and it escalated from there. We made our own set of rules and have gotten the community involved. The sheriff’s office, Jeff Drennen Dealerships, Rent 2 Own, Shaw Construction – they’ve all played along with other members of the community. The game is every single day.”
The American flag has orange duct tape around the center and top of the pole it is on and anyone can try to capture it. Fitch urges people to search Facebook for Capture the Flag and join the group. They can also add him as a friend. “Every time it is captured, the person has to post a picture of where it is so people know where to go to try and capture it. This was even happening during the rough truck show at the fairgrounds.”
The rules are simple. The flag must be taken during dark hours. If you have the flag, it must be on display during the dark hours. If you are caught stealing the flag, you must leave the flag, unless you have the flag in your hands. You must post a picture or video of you stealing the flag. The flag has to be displayed during daylight hours and at a reasonable height, not on a tall flagpole.
“It will be nice to see some positivity posted. That was the goal. Seeing people get along and have fun instead of all the negativity you see within the world,” said Fitch.
Category: People & Places