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United Way features The Hope Clinic for their March Agency Spotlight

| March 12, 2013

Hope Clinic 001COSHOCTON – In May 2009, a group of individuals from the Coshocton area came together with the desire to give back to the community with some of the blessings that God had given them. In June 2009, the organization was formally brought together with the election of the Board of Directors.

The Hope Clinic Current Board of Directors:

Director of Outreach: Pastor Mark Granger

Medical Director: Dr. Kevin Doherty

Director of Quality Assurance: Dr. Jerold Meyer

President: Maureen Karl

Vice President: Rick Merrell

Secretary: Deborah Johnson

Treasurer: Steve Hoop

The Hope Clinic of Coshocton opened its doors to our community on Sept. 10, 2009. Ten patients were seen on the first evening. On average, the Hope Clinic now sees 30 patients each Thursday. In March 2010, they were blessed with the gift of the Davis Dry Cleaning building at 131 S. 6th Street. They tore down walls and began to build a medical clinic. They now have five examining rooms, chiropractor room, optometry room, laboratory, meeting room, two prayer rooms, registration, child care, and two handicap accessible restrooms. This process was completed with volunteers.

They moved into their new home on Thursday, May 26, 2011. The grand opening and ribbon cutting was on June 4, 2011 with more than 200 people in attendance. The Hope Clinic saw 25 new patients in the first three weeks at their new location. Patients are seen free of charge and everyone involved with the Hope Clinic of Coshocton is a volunteer.

As of March 7, 2013, their 183 volunteers have logged 17,351.75 clinic hours. They have served 3,584 patients, 1,082 patients have sought ministry in their prayer room while 2,234 have submitted prayer requests. The all-volunteer staff of the Hope Clinic has returned $677,271 worth of services to the community since they opened their doors.

Hope Clinic became a United Way Partner Agency last fall, 2012. The Hope Clinic would like to thank each of the volunteers and anyone who has supported and continues to support them. Each of you makes a difference with The Hope Clinic of Coshocton.

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Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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