United Way recognizes award winners

| March 9, 2021

Every year the United Way of Coshocton holds its Annual Meeting to publicly recognize and thank local businesses which earned awards for their contribution to the campaign.  Because of the pandemic, this year’s celebration had to be cancelled.

The goal for the 2020-2021 campaign was $325,000.  To date the United Way has received $266,495 in donations/pledges which is 82% of the goal.

Divided into divisions, the Professional, Public Employees and Schools all surpassed their goals at 104%, 121% and 106% respectively.  Videos of the award winners can be viewed by going to the website www.coshoctonunitedway.org .

Top Giver award this year goes to McWane Ductile having collected $40,000 through employee and corporate contributions.  Over the past 5 years, McWane has increased their United Way contributions 60%!  McWane also served as the Corporate Sponsor for this past campaign which increases the amount put back into Coshocton programs because most of the campaign costs are covered by the Corporate Sponsor.  Securing a corporate sponsor has become increasingly more challenging, so the United Way board is extremely grateful to McWane for their generosity.

The 2021-2022 campaign will be kicking off in the fall of this year and the Corporate Sponsorship will be shared by Coshocton Regional Medical Center and Muskingum Valley Health Center.  “We are thrilled to have both our local hospital and MVHC agree to be our Corporate Sponsors for our upcoming campaign.  Collaboration seems to be a growing benefit and blessing to Coshocton County and we are all better when we work together.  Our deepest thanks to Coshocton Regional Medical Center and Muskingum Valley Health Center for coming along side with us as we work to keep Coshocton healthy in all ways!” said Lyn Mizer, director.

The Awards Breakfast is an opportunity to look at the past campaign and year.  In addition to supporting local programs as the United Way has been doing for over 80 years in Coshocton, the United Way Board took on the added focus to help those most impacted by the pandemic.  In March of 2020, an Emergency Fund was created so that businesses, foundations and individuals could contribute.  Over $63,000 was collected and distributed to local non-profit programs who were directly serving those hardest hit, such as the schools, food/supply pantries, senior meal delivery etc.

Just a reminder that the 17th Annual Big Coshocton Clean Up will be held Saturday, April 17th from 8:30 – 11:30.  Meet at the Court Square with the first 50 people receiving a free t-shirt.

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Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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