Volunteers help with artPARK landscaping

Jodi Shrimplin and her mother-in-law Ruth Daliere spent some time Thursday morning, June 8 weeding and watering at the artPARK on Main Street. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Anne Cornell from the Pomerene Center for the Arts is thankful for the volunteers who are helping turn the artPARK green.
“We are doing a little weeding and watering this morning (June 8),” she said.
At the front of the artPARK are two beds of Herniaria Glabra, which is also known as Rupturewort.
“It’s going to make a really nice bed of green and be just like a green carpet,” Cornell said. “A lot of the plants we have are going to be pretty vigorous and spread.”
Some of the other plants featured in the garden are different varieties of thyme, wild violets, wild strawberries and Star of Bethlehem plants.
“In the spring some of these will have really pretty flowers,” Cornell said.
She added that the plan for the landscape at the artPARK is for everything to be no fuss.
“All the plants are drought resistant and don’t have to be mowed,” she said. “We want this to be sustainable and low maintenance.”
However, until the plants are well established The Pomerene Center needs volunteers to commit to assisting with caring for the new growth.
“We will need crews out every day,” Cornell said. “It’s about a half hour of work for four people.”
Call the Pomerene Center for the Arts at 740-622-0326, e-mail pomerenearts@gmail.com, or stop in at 317 Mulberry St. to sign up to help.
Category: Multimedia, People & Places, Photo Galleries