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Warsaw alumni scholarship applications due

| March 18, 2022
As a reminder to graduating River View High School seniors who attended Warsaw Elementary School, scholarship applications are due Friday, March 25. They are to be turned into Cindy Hemming at RVHS on or before this date.
The Warsaw Alumni Association is offering scholarships to River View graduating seniors who attended Warsaw Elementary School. These scholarships will be of $1,000 from the Warsaw Alumni Association, the Clodaugh Brenneman Grant, and the Conrad Educational Family Grant. In addition, several families of the community have donated smaller additional scholarships like the Buxton Family Memorial Award and the Walker Memorial Award. Each year the honor classes have also sometimes been offered as they are made available. The purpose of these awards is to encourage graduates to pursue higher education.
These awards are made available through donations by graduates, teachers and friends of Warsaw High School and the community. Persons desiring to donate to this scholarship program should contact Jim Lawrence at 740-824-3890. Checks or money orders should be made out to the Warsaw Alumni Scholarship Fund and mailed to Lawrence at P.O. Box 166, Warsaw, OH 43844.
Applications for these scholarships are available from Hemming, who is coordinating scholarship applications at River View High School. Applications are also available from Lawrence by calling 740-824-3890.

Category: Education

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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