At a special meeting of the Village Council in Warsaw held on Jan. 9, the following members were sworn in to terms which they were elected to last November: Mayor – Ron Davis and Councilmen – Jesse Fischer and Corey Fischer.
Davis then announced his retirement, effective immediately, due to health concerns. In a prepared statement, Davis thanked the council and many employees and individuals with whom he has served over his 32 year career in public service. Originally appointed in 1992, he served as councilman and past-president of council until 2007, when he became mayor.
Davis was presented with a proclamation and received a standing ovation from the council.
In other news, Council President Donis “Ed” Kent was sworn in as the new mayor of the Village of Warsaw. In his first official act, he appointed Renee Hardesty to fill the vacant council seat he had previously held.
The village council then elected Jesse Fischer to serve as the new president of council.
The remainder of the meeting was used for discussion and approval of financial appropriations for 2024.
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