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Warsaw museum holding Memorial Day open house

| May 22, 2019

WARSAW – The Walhonding Valley Historical Society will host a Memorial Day Open House on Monday, May 27, 2019 from noon to 4 p.m. at the society’s museum located on the corner of Main Street and Bridge Street in Warsaw.

The directors of the museum will be highlighting the war room artifacts and military clothing. Any military veteran who visits the museum that day will receive a voucher for a free beverage from Roberta’s Diner in Warsaw, good for five days, and a voucher for one free ice cream cone from Dari-Land in Warsaw, good for that day only.

Everyone is welcome to enjoy the museum on May 27. Come see the many items on display and tour the three newly renovated rooms on the second level.

The Walhonding Valley Historical Society museum is open each Sunday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. or by appointment by calling 740-824-4000.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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