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Warsaw State of the Village

| February 21, 2014

WARSAW – This is my seventh “State of the Village” address for the Village of Warsaw, as mayor. 

I’ve discovered, over these past years, that bringing lots of detailed data and figures is really not what the public is listening for. This information is always available through the internet or at meetings. So, this year’s address is brief and simply stating the condition of the village.

I begin by thanking the members of Council, Village Administrator, Clerk, Fiscal Officer, our Deputy, those who served on boards & committees, our part-time worker and Solicitor for their dedication and hard work during 2013.  Without them we could not have accomplished what we’ve successfully done in this last year.

The new businesses have been a blessing to our community. It is good to see how well they are doing. Those businesses who have been here for years and kept Warsaw alive for many years are certainly commended for their contributions to much of the success which we’ve seen in 2013.

We have also been successful financially in a time when many villages and cities have struggled. We began the year in the “black” and finished in the “black.” Much of this financial success, as I call it, has been due to the in-house labor which has saved the Village thousands of dollars, not only in 2013 but over the past few years. 

The River View Park, Recreation, cemetery and community events have also experienced success through improvements, financially sound and an overall positive report from the public. The Memorial Day Parade and the Annual Roland Darr Tournament  & BBQ were once again well attended. The public also turned out, in great number for our Fall Parktober Fest. The Annual Christmas Candlelight Service was received with a positive report and made the year complete. We cannot forget the event in June, as the 758th Ordinance Company of the United States Army brought “Operation Give Back” to the Village of Warsaw. Over 260 military men and women, along with their families gathered in Warsaw for a day of work, fellowship and celebration. Their presentation at the museum was an event to be long remembered.

There have been some physical and cosmetic improvements, three of which are the razing of three buildings at no cost to the village residents. 

During the year of 2013 we did have some stressful times.  An intense  and thorough state audit took place. Even though it was very time consuming, costly, and often trying experience, we came out with a positive and good report. We updated and changed what the auditors suggested and are in compliance with the State Auditor’s Office. I appreciate how our Fiscal Officer, Members of Council and Solicitor handled the process in a professional manner. 

As I look back I see it was a good learning experience and enabled us to say to residents of the Village of Warsaw that we are indeed operating in compliance to the laws and rules of the State of Ohio and are found to be good stewards over the moneys that are entrusted to us. 

We had a couple of personnel changes with the resignation of one councilman and fiscal officer. Both are recognized as dedicated and hard workers. To Dan Secrest we say “thanks” for your valuable contribution these past years. To Cheri Jones we appreciate the expertise and service she gave to the Village of Warsaw over the past 9 years.

We wish the best for the both of them.  Dan’s council seat has been filled by Chuck Donnell and we will be selecting a new fiscal officer soon.

My goals for 2014 remain much the same as the last few years. I desire to see the current businesses within the Village of Warsaw prosper and grow. It is also a goal to bring in more businesses that will keep Warsaw moving forward.

2014 will be a challenge financially, but working together we will make it another positive year. I also want to see community events, civic organizations, and churches work together for the betterment of the Village and community.

Lastly, I want to challenge the council,  the employees, the businesses, organizations and all residents to join me in planting some good seeds; seeds of positive attitudes, words of encouragement, and seeds of unity as we work together.  We do reap what we sow! So let’s not sow thistle seeds for we’ll reap thistles – let’s sow seeds of flowers – crops that will bring life to the Village of Warsaw. Thank you and may God bless each of you and the Village of Warsaw.            

–      Mayor Ron Davis


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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