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Warsaw State of the Village for the year 2012

| January 18, 2013

Ron DavisI am honored to present the State of the Village of Warsaw address for the year 2012.

Serving over this past year, as your mayor, has been interesting, educational, trying at times, but for the most part enjoyable. I am looking forward to the next three years with the exception of less trials and more enjoyment.

It is always enjoyable to announce that we have financially finished in the black, once again even though we experienced cutbacks from state and local funding. I credit this success to a council that’s not afraid of moving forward, yet being good stewards with the income we do have. Also to our fiscal officer who has done a great job in conducting the expenditures for the Village. Last, but not least, finishing in the black is due to the hard work, money saving actions and wisdom of our Village Administrator and the employees who work in the areas of the Street Department and Water & Sewer Departments. Their commitment to serve the residents of the Village of Warsaw is truly appreciated.

Our fiscal officer reports that during 2012 our receipts were $484,420 and expenditures at $458,957.

The budget for 2012 was set at $940,332 and is increased for 2013 at $958,378, an increase of about $18,000.

Some highlights of 2012 begin with another successful year for the River View Park, with the support of the people of Warsaw and surrounding areas. The Pool and Recreation had a great summer due to the work of the Park Board, Rec. Committee and, of course, wonderful weather. The Parkfest was successful.

The contracting of Mr. Steve Martin as Village Clerk has proven to be a positive step.

In this past year of 2012 there were many accomplishments through our Water & Sewer Departments. The addition of water and sewer taps to the new Dollar General Store, the overhauling and rebuilding of water plant aerators, generators, fixing water breaks, rewiring a generator at the lift station certainly kept our crew busy in 2012. I may add that this is only a few of the many projects which were performed.

Our street resurfacing project went really well. By utilizing CDBG funds we were able to do the following: widening and resurfacing Railroad Street; resurfacing Blissfield Road; also the parking lot connector road at the Park.

There were improvements made on the small building at the Lagoons. This houses our mower and Kubota. Along with many other projects and work, we were kept busy all year long.

Some very positive items to report are such things as, the growth and improvement of the museum; a gasoline station at Shop Wise, Natural Kneads Therapeutic Massage; and the new Dollar General store are all valuable assets adding to the already good businesses we have in the Village.

I thank all those within the village that helped make 2012 successful. To our Deputy, we say thank you for a job well done in keeping things under control. To our boards, committees and volunteers, I am so grateful for all you’ve done.

As mayor I desire, as I state every year, to represent the Village of Warsaw with integrity, wisdom and a positive attitude. I will continue to believe and work toward bringing new businesses and jobs into the village.

I ask that the council, boards, committees and residences of Warsaw strive to bring unity trust to our village and go into 2013 with a positive attitude for the future.

Thank you and may God bless you and the Village of Warsaw.

Mayor Ron Davis

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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