Warsaw welcomes holiday season

Santa rode into town on top of a Walhonding Valley Fire District truck on Nov. 27 so he could meet with all the girls and boys who had gathered for the Warsaw Candlelighting. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Everyone has visions of a perfect Christmas with just the right decorations and gifts, a fresh blanket of snow on the ground and family that never fights. However, Pastor Ashley McMillin reminded people that the first Christmas was not like this.
“The first Christmas was not picture perfect,” she said. “Mary and Joseph had no family take them in and she went through all that pain and gave birth in a stinky stable. There was a beautiful light though in a form of a star that turned eyes toward Bethlehem. Christmas is perfect when love is shared and we remember God’s gift of Jesus Christ.”
McMillin, pastor at Nellie Chapel United Methodist Church, was the speaker at the Warsaw Candlelighting held Nov. 27 in the gazebo on Main Street. Prior to her speaking, those in attendance were invited to enjoy hot chocolate and Christmas carols sung by the Warsaw Elementary School Honor Choir.
“This is a community event,” said Tom Roahrig, from the Warsaw Business Association, which helps put on the event. “We really like to see everyone gathering here and celebrating the holiday and the birth of Jesus.”
As the choir sang its final song honorary candle lighters Terry and B.J. Russell helped spread light around the gazebo to officially welcome the holiday season to Warsaw.
The candles were provided by the Warsaw Lions Club, but there was still one more community organization that joined in the fun. Once the choir was done singing, the Walhonding Valley Fire District trucks and a Coshocton EMS ambulance escorted Santa into town to meet with all the girls and boys.
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