We Can. We Shall. We Will. Overcome.

| January 13, 2022

My former English teachers, along with a few others, are probably cringing at my word usage in the headline of this “Mark’s Musings” column. I also realize that the words are cliché, but I believe they are appropriate for where we are – and perhaps where we are headed.

One way or another, we will manage to defeat the COVID-19 virus – and all the variants seen and yet unseen. There will be more because, if any of my research is accurate, viruses mutate to survive. But I believe either through herd immunity, continued increases in the number of vaccinated people, or more likely, a combination of both, we will slowly but surely wrestle this beast to the ground.

We are only 10 weeks away from spring as I write this column. Sure, we will have some cold days, some snowy days, and perhaps a food shortage here and there but . . . just like the sun rises every day, it will arrive.

What was this over the holidays? No cream cheese or a very limited supply? And did I hear correctly that Kraft was paying $20 so people would NOT make cheesecake? Kraft, is of course, the parent company of Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Yes, they did that. I wish TNT and TBS paid me for each episode of “A Christmas Story” that I didn’t watch. I would have some extra coin to spend this month. Well, any extra money is chewed up anyway due to inflation.

Yes, many of the things that we consume daily are increasing in cost. When I look at our grocery bill, I shudder to think what a large family spends per week. Being frugal, planting a garden, and making wise choices in the aisles – or on your smart phone – are, I imagine, key. Now I know why we ate a lot of green beans and potatoes with some ham mixed in during the winter months. Vegetable soup or chili was a staple with a peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwich. Mom used to can tomatoes by the wheelbarrow full. Yep, we have a picture of Dad with a wheelbarrow full of tomatoes. And talk about a great way to teach the younger ones some responsibility. A garden can do that.

I can still hear Dad saying, “Get out there and hoe the tomatoes and around the corn. Be careful and not damage the stalks or stems”. Or something like that. There may have been some other words mixed in too.

It took a quarter or so, but the Buckeyes showed up for the Rose Bowl – those that played. What’s your opinion on the now popular “opting out”? In talking with people around the community, folks are in one camp or the other – many agree with the players. Why take a chance and damage your standing in the draft and what could be a lucrative NFL career? Others feel that if you wear the uniform and are a scholarship player, you owe it to the school and your teammates to play.

Playoff predictions anyone? Can “Big Ben” pull off a win in Kansas City? The Chiefs are tough to beat at home as everyone knows. Baker Mayfield will be back in Cleveland this fall.

Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion

About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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