Conner Webster watched friends serve on the Coshocton County Fair court and hoped to someday have the same opportunities they did. His wish came true on Oct. 1 when he was crowned fair king alongside Britton McCoy, who is the new queen.
“I saw all my friends who were older having the best experiences,” Webster said. “I enjoyed seeing all their Facebook pictures, and when I was younger, I looked up to them and their cool sashes.”
Both he and McCoy attend River View High School are excited and happy to represent Coshocton County and the fair.
“This is an opportunity to meet new people, see other fairs and share ideas to better ours,” McCoy said.
One of the many aspects of the fair she hopes to share with others is how well organized it is and welcoming people are.
“We may seem small, but I think we have the best fair ever,” she said.
Webster hopes to share a similar message while he travels throughout Ohio. “We might be small, but we are mighty,” he said.
Webster’s court includes first attendant Cole Tatro, second attendant Coen Bible and third attendant Colston Lauvray. Serving with McCoy is first attendant Allie Mizer, second attendant Jaylinn Williamson and third attendant Melany Wine. A total of 13 contestants competed at the ceremony, which was held in Hunter Arena and also included the official ribbon cutting for the fair.
“In 13 years this is the biggest court I’ve seen,” Coshocton County Fair Board President Jason Massie said.
He complimented the students running for fair king and queen and the fair board members for all their hard work.
“We have a heck of a show going on out there,” Massie said. “I have to agree with what a lot of these kids said. I’ve been around the fair industry for 41 years, and we have one of the best junior and senior fairs.”
After a year of traveling around Ohio, the 2020 fair queen and king also agreed Coshocton has one of the best fairs around.
“I’ve went to many fairs, but Coshocton County is my favorite,” said Dilyn Tumblin, the 2020 queen. “This community, this fair, it just feels like home. It’s tradition.”
Luke Massie, the 2020 king, agreed with Tumblin. “It’s neat to see the differences in each fair, but it’s always nice to come back home to Coshocton,” he said.
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