West Lafayette United Methodist Church to continue services at Burt Park

| July 16, 2020

The Administrative Council of West Lafayette United Methodist Church meet July 15 to discuss the immediate future of worship inside the church. The vote was to continue outside worship at Burt Park at 10:30 a.m. Bring you folding chairs. If there is inclement weather (rain) that day the worship service will be moved inside the sanctuary and to the telephone and online format. Church officials will utilize social media to inform you of this move one hour prior to the service starting.

Services at Burt Park we will have to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the village. This includes strict social distancing of six feet or more between family units. The village has also strongly recommended that masks are worn. The bathrooms will not be in use so note that before coming to worship that day.

If you do not feel comfortable gathering on the lawn or in person you can listen live on the FM dial at 90.9 FM, so you will be able to drive to the area, park and sit in your car and listen and watch from a distance. The service also will be taped and put on the church Facebook page and website.

The church task force continues to meet weekly to ensure that all who come to worship will be safe and healthy. Through the end of July and into August, services will continue in the online and telephone format.


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Category: Faith

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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