William Michael Morgan wows fair crowd

William Michael Morgan sang to the crowd at the Coshocton County Fair on Saturday evening. His amazing voice and fun-loving personality kept fair-goers entertained and ready for more. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Rick Williams, a member of the fair entertainment committee, said people from the community had said they wanted to see someone new at the fair. The committee followed their suggestions and their choice of William Michael Morgan did not disappoint the fair crowd on Saturday evening, Sept. 30.
Fair Board President Kim Wells, said Morgan has had a couple of hits and his style of country music is what many fair attendees want to hear. “We give Variety Attractions in Zanesville a budget and what type of music we want for the fair.” Morgan was the choice. “He is very friendly and takes time to talk to his fans. I think that is really important.”
Wanda Thornsley of Coshocton always goes to the fair – for the food and the concert. “I’ve been coming to the concerts for years. We’ve had some big names here; maybe he is an up and coming singer, too.” Thornsley said she hadn’t heard of Morgan, but always gives the singers a chance.
Also waiting for the show to start was Sonny and Diana Barcus from Cooperdale. They saw Morgan on YouTube and Facebook and wanted to see him in person. “I think he is old-style country,” said Diana. “We usually come to the concert each year. If we like it, we stay till the end.” Sonny had been at the fair since before daylight. “It’s like a reunion for me. I like to have breakfast and visit with friends.” They have been married for 51 years and rarely miss a fair.
Morgan didn’t keep the crowd waiting and many were soon on their feet. Toes were tapping and hands clapping as he sang. He said that he has played 10 dates in Ohio this year and many are the same – a good crowd that is ready to have fun.
Category: Arts & Entertainment