Winners of Southeast Ohio Watermedia exhibit announced

SEOWS officers present award to Yan Sun. L – r: Marilyn Stocker, Barbara Hill, Marie Lekorenos, Yan Sun
COSHOCTON – The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum is pleased to announce the award winners of the Southeast Ohio Watermedia Society’s exhibit, Living Waters. SEOWS has been active for 36 years and currently consists of 39 members from eight counties in Ohio. Of the works submitted for jurying, 48 pieces by 19 artists were chosen. Included in the scope of “watermedia” are watercolors, collage, acrylics, inks and temperas.
Columbus artist Kevin Buckland judged the show. He was impressed with the high caliber of the artwork and stated that the different painting styles and eclectic look pulls the show together as a whole. The following awards were given:
Best of Show: Juanita Williams (Zanesville)
First Place: Carron Baxter (New Concord)
Second Place: Sally Emslie (West Lafayette)
Third Place: Hong Yin (Zanesville)
Distinctions: Marilyn Stocker (Newark) and Yan Sun (Zanesville)
Merit Awards: Doris Jones (Andover) and Kay Kenyon (Granville)
Sponsor Awards: Dorothea Bluck (West Lafayette), Mandahu He (New Concord), Marie Lekorenos (Cambridge), Lois Merril (Newcomerstown) and Elizabeth Plikerd (Newark)
Living Waters, sponsored by Dorothy Ehrenberg, will be on display at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum through Dec. 31. The Ohio Arts Council also helped fund this event with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. The museum is open 1 – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. JHM is located at 300 N. Whitewoman Street, in Historic Roscoe Village. For more information, contact JHM at 622-8710, email or visit their website,
Category: People & Places