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Workshops to help people take charge of their lives

| March 25, 2014

NEWARK – The first of an interactive workshop series titled “Take Charge of Your Life” will be held on April 1st. The series helps participants improve their overall happiness by changing choices and managing stress. The first event, “Take Charge of Your Life, Part 1: Effective Choices to Reach Your Goals,” is being held on April 1st from 5:30-8:30pm in the Warner Center Performance Platform. Participants will be given two workshops: First, Dr. Gleb Tsipursky will provide participants with tools for assessing their options in a variety of situations to make better choices. Then, Agnes Vishnevkin will be giving strategies for aligning choices so that they work towards reaching personal goals.

“Success isn’t something that simply happens. You have to take active steps towards reaching it,” says Dr. Gleb Tsipursky. The event is free to the public and especially caters towards who would like to improve their evaluation of various situations and decision-making. Anyone attending the first event is encouraged to also attend the second event in the series which focuses on managing emotions and increasing happiness, “Take Charge of Your Life, Part 2: Reducing Stress and Attaining Happiness” which is being held on April 8th at the same time and place.   

Gleb Tsipursky, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of History at OSU Newark. He draws from a wide background of research to coach individuals on decision-making and goal achievement.

Agnes Vishnevkin, MBA, has a background in helping individuals and organizations develop and apply customized strategies to achieve their goals. Agnes has a passion for helping others adopt more effective ways of thinking and acting.

The Ohio State University at Newark offers the best of the Big Ten educational experience, access to Ohio State’s 175 major programs, a rich research heritage and academic excellence.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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