Wyler crowned Showman of Showmen

Jenna Wyler won the 2016 Showman of Showmen contest. Mark Fortune | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Following an evening of showing hogs, horses, llamas, goats, sheep, turkey, poultry, feeder calves, dairy and fielding questions about dogs, one person stood tall among the 10 outstanding contestants. That was Jenna Wyler, who was all smiles after winning the contest that is now in its fourth year. Previous champions presented her with the award and those in attendance applauded while she received congratulations from the other participants.
Wyler told The Beacon how she prepared for the contest, “Well, after I won Dairy Showman I got to work pretty fast learning how to show all of the different animals. Today I went through and did a refresher and made a list of all the different breeds of animals and just really googled a lot of information about the small animals and did a lot of studying.”
“I believe that the preparation helped.”
Wyler said the most difficult species to show was a dog. “We didn’t have to show a dog but we had to have a lot of knowledge on the dogs and that was pretty hard.”
“The rabbit was pretty easy to show. You just carried it and flipped it over. I studied up a lot on the chicken so the questions were not too bad for me.”
Wyler said about her fellow competitors, “We all had a great time competing with one another and between the showings we were all talking and laughing and giving each other tips and stuff. It was a great time getting to show with everyone today.”
“This event is a great event for any kid and you should work hard to be a part of it because getting to know the other animals is a lot of fun and it teaches you a lot of hard work. I learned that showing a sheep is a lot harder than it looks. You don’t know that until you try it.”
Wyler currently attends ATI in Wooster where she is studying Ag Business because she wants to work in the Agriculture Industry.
The 10 competitors were: Brynna Kirkpatrick, Blue Ribbon Bunnies, Champion Rabbit Showman; Taylor Kellish, Ridgewood FFA, Champion Beef Showman; Sydney Zinkon, Ridgewood FFA, Champion Goat Showman; Jenna Wyler, Ridgewood FFA, Champion Dairy Showman; Elisha Hamric, Magic Makers, Swine Champion Showman; Johnathon Woodward, Winner, Champion Poultry Showman; Justin Mason, Above & Beyond, Champion Sheep Showman; Emily Bookless, Kamelid Kushers, Champion Llama Showman; Emily Burnier, Happy Tracks, Champion Dog Showman; and Madison Whitt, Extreme Achievers, Champion Horse Showman.
Farm Credit Services and the Farm Bureau donated t shirts and cups. Each participant also received $25 courtesy of the 4-H Advisory Committee and the Ridgewood FFA Alumni.
- Jenna Wyler
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