Young adults invited to zombie make-up party

| October 27, 2016

zombie 2COSHOCTON – Young adults are invited to a zombie make-up party at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum on Oct. 31 at 6 p.m. Learn to create a facial landscape of scars and blood that any B-rated movie would be proud of. The evening will begin with pizza and then move on to transforming ourselves into zombies. The make-up instructor is no other than Coshocton’s Count of Creepy, Mike Cichon. He has been scaring the beejeebees out of Coshocton County Career Center students for years, and we’re not talking about his innovative recipes or chef’s knife skills. Every year at Halloween Cichon morphs into a grotesque creature befitting a scene in “Night of the Living Dead”. Awesome and creepy.

Cichon will have latex, face paints and other accessories for each person to use on his/her own face. The museum’s young adult group, Gen X/Y, is sponsoring the party. Attendees must be 21 and older. Please e-mail or call for reservations. Although no fee is charged, donations are appreciated.

Contact the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum at 740-622-8710 or Entrance for the event is in the back off of the parking lot. The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum is located at 300 N. Whitewoman Street, Coshocton.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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