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Youth encouraged to enter ‘Agriculture is Cool!’ contest

| March 26, 2014

REYNOLDSBURG – In honor of National Agriculture Day, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) announced it will begin accepting entries for the 2014 “Agriculture is Cool!” Creative Expressions contest. Ohio children enrolled in school or home schooled during the 2013-2014 academic year have until June 6 to capture their personal interpretation of why Ohio agriculture is cool for their chance to win prizes including tickets to the Ohio State Fair.

“This year’s National Ag Day will focus on those who rise before dawn 365 days a year in order to put food on the table for 7 billion people,” said ODA Director David T. Daniels. “With a growing world population, there is even greater demand for food, fiber and renewable resources produced in Ohio, but to maintain our strong agricultural base we need to keep young people involved in agriculture. The “Ag is Cool!” program gives us a way that we can help educate children about the value of agriculture and spark an interest in Ohio’s top industry.”

“Ag is Cool!” entries, which can include an original video, photograph, drawing, or painting, will be judged in the following age categories. One winner from each age group and category will be chosen:

Grades K-2: Photography, Drawing or Painting

Grades 3-5: Video, Photography, Drawing or Painting

Grades 6-8: Video, Photography, Drawing or Painting

Grades 9-12: Video, Photography, Drawing or Painting

All entries will be judged by a panel that may include representatives from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the Office of the Governor, the Ohio Expo Center, and professionals in the areas of video production, photography, drawing, painting and other visual arts. Judging will be based on the student’s visual representation of the “Ag is Cool!” theme, if it accurately reflects 21st Century agriculture, creativity and use of Ohio images, and quality of work.

Award winners will be recognized by the Office of the Governor and other state officials at the Ohio State Fair on July 23.

For additional information about the contest, a complete copy of the rules and entry forms visit http://www.agri.ohio.gov/AgIsCool/ or call 614-752-981

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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