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Zanesville VA Clinic temporarily closed due to flooding

| August 22, 2018

COLUMBUS – The Zanesville VA Clinic, 2800 Maple Avenue, Zanesville, will be temporarily closed due to a break in the hot water heater, which resulted in flooding throughout most of the facility. Restoration work has already begun. Patients with scheduled appointments at the Zanesville clinic are receiving communications on the process for receiving their care during the closure.

All Zanesville VA patients who have appointments or need primary care and lab services are being referred to the Daniel L. Kinnard VA Clinic in Newark. Most other clinical services, such as eye clinic and behavioral health are being accommodated either at the Chalmers P. Wylie Veterans Outpatient Clinic in Columbus or through other modalities such as telehealth or telephone appointments.

Zanesville VA Clinic patients who have questions about their current or future appointments should call the VA Contact Center at 614-257-5200.

The Chalmers P. Wylie Veterans Outpatient Clinic is a joint commission accredited, complexity level two facility serving more than 42,000 veterans in 13 counties of Ohio. The Veterans Outpatient Clinic is located in Columbus and is part of the VA Central Ohio Healthcare System, which includes community clinics are located in: Grove City, Marion, Newark, and Zanesville. The VA Central Ohio Healthcare System also is the parent organization for a Veterans Readjustment Counseling Center (Vet Center) located in downtown Columbus. The VA Central Ohio Healthcare System is a part of the VA Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 10 that serves more than 500,000 Veterans throughout the lower peninsula of Michigan, Ohio/Northern Kentucky and Indiana.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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